School Uniform Policy and Expectations
Matraville Sports High School is a uniform school. The wish of the school community is that all students wear the school uniform on a daily basis. Only students in correct uniform may represent the school eg excursions, functions, sport. The school's Student Representative Council and the P&C have been consulted in the development of the School Uniform Policy.
Students not in uniform are to bring a note from home and report to the relevant Deputy Principal before 8.30 am.
The Deputy Principal may:
- arrange for someone from home to bring the correct uniform item up to the school,
- issue an ‘Out Of Uniform Pass', or
Any student found to be out of uniform during the day without an ‘Out Of Uniform Pass' is to be sent to the Deputy Principal immediately. In the first instance the student will be counselled and informed as to the correct procedure. Subsequent referrals would result in parent contact and detention.
The school has also negotiated with Lowes at Eastgardens to provide most aspects of the uniform. TSP uniform is arranged through the school's Director of Sport. Parents in financial difficulty will be advised to seek support through the Student's Assistance Scheme. Application forms are available from the Front Office.
Any student who persistently chooses not to wear school uniform will be disciplined according to the School's Discipline Policy.
Note: Students are permitted to wear Sports or TSP uniforms on Wednesdays only.
Please see link below for a full school uniform list available to purchase from Lowes at Eastgardens: