The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.
The syllabus consists of the following strands:
- number and algebra
- measurement and geometry
- statistics and probability.
In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include:
- Mathematics Extension 2 (Year 12 only)
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics Standard 2
- Mathematics Standard 1 (Optional HSC examination)
- Mathematics Life Skills.
Head teacher Mathematics:
Pauline Milne
Students at Matraville Sports High School study Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Within these strands they cover a range of topic areas including financial mathematics, algebraic techniques, equations, linear and non-linear relationships, surface area and volume, properties of geometrical figures, trigonometry, data collection and representation, data analysis, and probability.
These skills enable students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by using strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems relevant to their present and future needs.
The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10. In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include, Life skills, Numeracy, Standard 1 and 2, Advanced and Extension 1 and 2.
For more information see Mathematics K-10 syllabus and Mathematics Stage 6.