Assessment and reporting

Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning.
Teachers observe students' work in class and look closely at tasks throughout the year. They also formally assess a student's achievement based on the outcomes described in the syllabus of the subject.
As a parent or carer, you’ll receive a written report twice a year. It gives you a clear picture of your child’s achievements – what they know and can do.
In Years 7 to 10, we use the common grade scale in reporting. In Year 11, we use the Preliminary grade scale.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are assessed on achievement of competencies.
We provide detailed information to students about what we expect from them throughout the year and how their work will be assessed. Students have a number of formal assessments throughout their schooling.
- National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) – reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and numeracy tests for students in Years 7 and 9. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) holds the tests in May each year. Results and student reports are released in August.
- Validation of Assessment for Learning and Individual Development (VALID) – online diagnostic science assessments for students in Year 8. Some schools also choose to sit the tests in Year 10.
- The Record of School Achievement (RoSA) is awarded to eligible students who leave school before completing their Higher School Certificate. The RoSA records a student’s grades between the end of Year 10 and when they leave school.
- The Higher School Certificate (HSC) is an internationally recognised qualification awarded to students who successfully complete Years 11 and 12 in NSW.
- Some students may apply for placement in a selective high school. For more information, visit selective high schools and opportunity classes.
HSC Minimum Standard
Students need reading, writing and numeracy for everyday life after school.
This is why students in NSW are being supported to meet a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy to receive the HSC.
To show they meet the HSC minimum standard, students need to achieve Level 3 or 4 in short online reading, writing and numeracy tests of skills for everyday life.
Some students with disability studying Life Skills courses may be exempt from meeting the minimum standard to receive their HSC credential.
Together with the NSW Literacy and Numeracy Strategy, the HSC minimum standard is part of an effort to improve the literacy and numeracy outcomes for students.
For more information, see NSW Government NSW Education Standards Authority HSC minimum standard.
Illness and misadventure
The illness and misadventure process is available to support students who are unwell or have an accident or other misadventure at the time of a HSC exam.
You need to submit a separate application and supporting evidence for each exam or exam component affected.
If your whole school is affected by an event, your school will contact you directly with advice.
For more information read NSW Government Education Standards Authority Illness and misadventure. And NSW Government Education Illness and misadventure.
Examples of malpractice include, but are not limited to:
- copying answers from another student during testing
- collaboration or attempted collaboration between students during testing
- using or trying to use unauthorised material during testing such as notes, study guides, mobile phones and electronic devices
- disruptive behaviour or not following the instructions of a test coordinator and/or invigilation staff during testing
- student impersonation (pretending to be someone else)
- any other conduct that provides an unfair advantage.
The department has added robust measures to identify student malpractice for the Selective High School Test and the Opportunity Class Placement Test. These new measures are to ensure that no student receives an unfair advantage, or causes disadvantage to other students.
For more information see NSW Government Education Malpractice.
All my own work
Completing assessment tasks honestly.
HSC: All My Own Work is a program designed to help HSC students follow the principles and practices of good scholarship. This includes understanding, valuing and using ethical practices when locating and using information as part of their HSC studies.
Students who have completed the program will also know about penalties for cheating and how to avoid malpractice when preparing their work for assessment.
To be eligible for the HSC, students must complete HSC: All My Own Work (or its equivalent) before they submit any work for Preliminary (Year 11) or HSC (Year 12) courses, unless they are only entered for Year 11 and Year 12 Life Skills courses.
For more information see NSW Government Education Standards Authority All my own work.
Check-in Assessments
Check-in assessments are online assessments for students in Years 3 to 9. They are mapped to the NSW Syllabuses and National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions. All students complete a reading assessment and a numeracy assessment.
For more information see NSW Government Education Check-in assessment.